Open WhatsApp on your computer. How to install WhatsApp on a computer - PC version and using WhatsApp Web online (via a web browser). And we go through a little registration...

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Installed WhatzApp on my computer. But the call function is gone. This feature is available on a smartphone. How to make calls via computer possible?


What are Whatsapp calls and how do they work?

The fact is that Whatsapp developers did not come up with anything radically new. Calls through it are made via IP telephony. Which is part of the technology VoIP - Voice over Internet Protocol - voice over IP networks. This means that communication is carried out not through the networks of mobile operators, but through the Internet, through two (or more) devices connected to it.

Therefore, the ability to make calls from a computer in this way definitely exists.

But this is usually implemented using SIP clients. And to make calls using it, you need to know the IP address of the interlocutor’s device.

Of course, you cannot know him. Therefore, the only option left is to launch a full-fledged Whatsapp application on your computer.

How to install Whatsapp on your computer for calls?

To do this, you will need a separate mobile number to which a WhatsApp account will be registered. In essence, we are simply replacing a mobile phone with a computer. But this cannot be done in the usual way. You will need to use an android emulator. The most famous emulator is bluestacks. It's free and you need to download it only from the official website - This is very important, because there are a lot of fraudulent sites on the Internet that can sell you malware under the guise of such emulators.

Creating a Whatsapp account and activating it on your computer using the bluestacks emulator

This program is installed on your computer, after which you can install Whatsapp from Google Play into it, just like on a regular smartphone and activate your existing Whatsapp account.

It is important to understand that you must first register an account from any mobile phone. Because this requires an active phone number where you can receive the code via SMS. It is better to choose a phone where WhatsApp is not installed, so as not to transfer accounts back and forth.

How to call from computer to Whatsapp

But you need to understand that such calls can only be made if the subscriber’s smartphone has a stable, stable connection to the Internet. Otherwise, you won’t be able to have a normal conversation - there will be very strong delays and data loss.

How else can you make calls from a computer?

By the way, there is also Viber, which has the same function. But besides this, it allows you to make calls to mobile numbers of subscribers who do not use Viber.

But, of course, it will be paid, because here it will no longer be cheap IP telephony, but routing of communications from the Internet through the networks of mobile operators to the subscriber’s smartphone. You can call for free only if the subscriber also has Viber installed on his smartphone and is connected to the Internet - the call will be made via IP telephony, just like in the case of Watsapp. This has a drawback, because few people have this messenger installed. Although, if you need communication with people you know, with colleagues, then there is no problem using Viber for calls from your computer to your phone.

Well, don't forget about Skype. After all, this oldest and well-known program also has the ability to make calls from a computer to any smartphone if the interlocutor has Skype installed and turned on. And in the same way, you can call any number for a fee.

At the moment, you can install WhatsApp on your PC in three ways, each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages, we will analyze them all in detail.

The official computer version, as well as the WEB version of WhatsApp, requires authorization through the installed application on the smartphone. This means that if your smartphone is broken or does not support the latest version of the messenger, it is better to use.

Download the latest version of WhatsApp on your computer

Installation instructions on a computer

This is the simplest and most reliable way:

Using the Web version

WhatsApp on PC using Adnroid emulator

If the model has a smartphone in the menu of which there is no item " WhatsApp Web", don't despair, there is a way to install the application on your computer through an Android emulator.


Account creation

You will see a welcome window where you can select a language (Russian by default). This means that we are moving on to setting up your account.

The emulator uses Google account, to access Play Market.

There are three settings options:

  1. You have a Google account (mail ending with and you want to use it.
  2. You don't have a Google account and want to create a new one for myself.
  3. Do you want to create a new account? for a child.

If you already have an account, use it, it’s easier. If not, creating a new one will not take much time; you will need to enter the following data:

  1. First Name Last Name;
  2. Username (;
  3. Password;
  4. The phone number is confirmed via SMS (you can skip this point, but then they may still be required).

Installing WhatsApp on PC

If you've made it this far, congratulations! The hardest part is already behind us. All that remains is to install the application itself, and this is extremely simple:
  1. Using the search we look for WhatsApp;
  2. In the list that opens, select the very first item;
  3. Click Install.

WhatsApp Web is easy! No installations on your computer or registration, just go to the program website from any browser and start communicating. We will tell you how WhatsApp works and how to use the online application. This is a full-fledged replacement for the computer version for communication at work, school, in Internet cafes and other places where installing programs is prohibited. You will learn about the advantages and functions of the application in step-by-step instructions with pictures, which will help you quickly understand Web WhatsApp.

How WhatsApp Web works on a computer

WhatsApp has a web version of the application at a specific address that you need to go to. After which you can immediately continue your telephone correspondence. This is what it looks like:

Before the release of WhatsApp for the computer, WhatsApp Web was the only replacement for a PC application that works on the same principle. In many offices or universities it is prohibited to make changes to work computers, and correspondence from the phone is not always convenient. With this application this is not required and after communication there will be no traces left on someone else’s PC. In this case, all chats and even created groups are automatically synchronized with the phone. That is, you can continue communication on another device at any time.

How to call

You can only make calls via a webcam using an emulator. There is no official calling feature on WhatsApp Web yet. Apparently this is due to the heavy load on the site. As soon as the version is updated, we will notify our readers how to use it. In the meantime, you'll have to use video calling on your phone. Calls are also not available on WhatsApp for PC, since it works through the online version.

How to disconnect and exit

To disable WhatsApp web from your phone, you can simply minimize the application, provided you uncheck the “stay online” checkbox. It can be removed when you first enter the program.
If you haven't done this:
  • go to the WhatsApp settings on your mobile, here you will see which browser the program was launched on,
  • Click “exit from all computers”, thereby the application will be disconnected remotely wherever it was launched.

Disabling the online version

How to use WhatsApp Web

If you have not used the computer version, it will be useful to learn how to set up and start WhatsApp correspondence.
On the main screen of WhatsApp Web there are buttons:
  • profile
  • status
  • new chat

Let's start the chat

You can enter the “profile” menu in 2 ways:

Main menu

Here you can add or change your photo or picture, which will be seen by your chat interlocutors. Moreover, the photo can be taken with a computer camera, or by choosing from existing ones. Here you can also enter your name and information about yourself, which will be seen by participants in conversations.

Changing your profile

In the "new group" menu, create a chat to simultaneously send messages to your selected contacts. To do this, go to the menu and click this button:

Window for creating a group via WhatsApp web

Then select the group members by simply clicking on them with the left mouse button, after which they will be added to the list of the group being created.

Selected Participants

Press ENTER and in the window that appears, assign a photo or picture as well as a theme for the group being created.

In the correspondence window, send photos/videos, any document, and also share contacts with a contact. To do this, press the paperclip and select the desired function from the pop-up menu.

Pros and capabilities of the application

  • fast operation of the program even on “weak” computers, without installation;
  • support for all browsers (google chrome, opera, mozilla, IE);
  • sending any documents up to 100 MB, which makes it possible to send many photos and videos at once;
  • all correspondence is encrypted, so you don’t have to worry about others gaining access to it;
  • pop-up notification windows about incoming messages;
  • simultaneous logout from all devices by pressing one button on the phone;
  • instant synchronization of all chats between your phone and PC;


  • temporary lack of calls
  • mandatory presence of the program on the phone
  • the application will not work on devices without a camera, as you need to scan the code

    If you have any questions, write in the comments, we will be happy to answer them.

The growing popularity of WhatsApp online, which first appeared as a client for a mobile phone, has led to the question of using this wonderful messenger on a personal computer.

A few words about WhatsApp online

Many millions of users have already tried this application, with which you can exchange text messages and send files. You no longer need to pay for each message and write briefly - with help, you will always have a reliable assistant at hand who can work no matter where you are in the world. And all this is absolutely free, without any hidden fees or surcharges. Half a billion people already use WhatsApp and are satisfied!

All you need to work is an active Internet connection, and it doesn’t matter whether it’s mobile Internet or Wi-Fi networks. When using the latter, you do not need to incur any expenses at all, just connect to the point and communicate as much as you like. If you use mobile Internet, you will have to pay your mobile operator for traffic, having previously selected the most optimal package for yourself.

All users get access to unlimited communication, sending data and other useful functions that will greatly facilitate social connections on the Internet.

Online version

The application also has a web version that works from any device, even with Internet access. Smartphone, tablet, PC – it doesn’t matter, the main thing is that the device has a browser, and the user already has a registered account in the WhatsApp system.

To start communicating via free whatsapp online necessary:

  • Go to the website;
  • Using your phone camera, read the QR code;
  • Wait for it to load and start a dialogue.

The application has automatic synchronization of all data, which allows you to determine which friends already have the application. They are added automatically, and you can write to them at any moment, no matter where the interlocutors are or how far they are from each other. If you also want to start using this wonderful application, then all you need to do is simply download the version for your OS by selecting it from the list of available platforms.

In addition to options for transferring files and messages, WhatsApp has a useful function of automatically determining the user’s location. This tag can be shared with friends or sent as a newsletter.

The first year of using the program is absolutely free, but for each subsequent year you will have to pay a symbolic amount of 99 cents. It is introduced to support and improve the application itself, so in essence you are paying to get a better and more reliable product.

WhatsApp for PC

At the moment there is no full-fledged version, but there are two ways to get around this problem: by installing an Android OS emulator on your PC, or by using the web version, which works through a browser. On the Internet you can easily read about different emulators, their pros and cons, but the use of the web version is described in our article in as much detail as possible.

WhatsApp online free service
