How to cut out an object in Photoshop cs3. How to cut and paste an object in Photoshop. How to cut an image in Photoshop

Beginner users often wonder how to cut and paste an object in Photoshop.

Selecting and further copying/cutting an element is the main task that you need to master for image editing.

Let's take a closer look at all the possible methods that even a beginner can quickly master.

Before performing any manipulations with parts of the drawing, they need to be selected. Only then is insertion or cutting applied.

With the Select-Paste feature, you can combine elements from multiple designs, choose your own background, and create unique designs. Before you start, choose an image whose background you like and a picture of the object you want to cut out.

Method 1 – Using the “Magic Wand”

“Magic Wand” or “Magic Wand” is one of the simplest tools in Photoshop. With its help, you can quickly select a part and carry out a series of manipulations with it.

The advantage of working with this tool is its speed. A beginner will not have to deal with channels, backgrounds and layers. The tool is available in all versions of the editor.

The magic wand highlighting algorithm automatically detects the shades of pixels that border other parts of the photo. We recommend using a stick if the photo with the object has a wide palette of colors. In a photo with a large number of monochromatic similar colors, a part may not be highlighted correctly.

Follow the instructions:

  • Open Photoshop and create a new canvas or open an existing drawing of an object using the program;
  • On the left side of the window there is a basic toolbar. Click on the fourth element and select “Magic Wand” from the drop-down list, as shown below:

Rice. 2 – “Magic Wand”

  • The wand creates selection boundaries based on the shades of objects in the picture. You need to click the cursor on the desired area of ​​the image to create a selection. We recommend using Magic Wand for large, solid-colored objects such as the sky, grass, mountains, etc.;
  • Let's select the sky in the next image. To do this, in Insurgents, click on the magic wand and select any part of the sky with the mouse. The following outline will be created around the part;

Fig.3 - sky selection

  • Often the Magic Wand does not select the entire part and users stop using the tool. This should not be done, because you can simply add the missing area to the general selection.
  • While most of the sky is outlined, move the cursor to another part of it. Hold down the Shift key and simultaneously click on the unselected area. This will allow you to add it to the desired part. We get the following result:

Fig. 4 – setting object boundaries

Method 2 – Working with the Quick Selection Tool

Quick Selection is another basic tool that every Photoshop user should learn to use.

It can be found in the same tab as the magic wand (Toolbar-Selection-Quick Select). The function works like a brush. With its help, you can create precise selections based on contrasting edges. You can choose the size and diameter of the brush yourself:

  • Select the tool as shown in the picture;

Fig.5 – Quick Selection

  • Now make a selection. You need to hold down the left mouse button and move the cursor inside the area you want to select. To define boundaries, draw near the edges. Thus, the contour line will gradually move towards the edge you need.
  • To cancel a failed action, press the Ctrl+D key combination and try again. The image below shows an example of gradually selecting an area of ​​a flower using Quick Selection.

Rice. 6 – sketch with quick selection

As you can see, the boundaries of the resulting object do not extend to another part of the picture. Even with magnification and detailed viewing of each line, you will not see flaws or extra pixels.

Method 3 – Quick mask

Quick Mask is a mode in Photoshop that allows you to select an object in a photo. What is the difference between using a mask and the standard tools described above?

The fact is that standard methods are good at identifying parts of a picture that have contrasting pixel colors, but they cannot determine clear boundaries of an object, part of which is a gradient or a blurred area. Also, it will be difficult to set the selection boundaries if the color of the part is very similar to the background.

The essence of Quick Mask: the user selects one part of the photo, and the other is automatically blocked and cannot be worked with. A mask is the outline itself, which separates the element from the main design. A quick mask is a selection in which the selected part will have its original color, and the remaining areas will be covered with a translucent film.

Rice. 7 – example of a mask in Photoshop

The convenience of working with the tool lies in the fact that you draw the selected area yourself and can correct flaws at any time.

A quick mask will allow you to accurately select part of the image. Follow the instructions:

  • Select the Quick Mask tool from the toolbar or simply press the Q key on your keyboard while the Photoshop window is open;

Fig.8 – key for selecting Quick Mask

  • In the window that appears, select the type of brush, its diameter and other parameters depending on the area that you will paint;
  • Now just sketch out the unnecessary part of the picture, leaving only the object for cutting and pasting. The masked area will be colored red;
  • You need to apply the mask with the black color selected on the palette. To remove part of the masked area, select white.

Rice. 9 – creating a mask

You can do whatever you want with the resulting selection. Photoshop will not recognize the background, so you can select the subject very easily. Use the Quick Selection or Magic Wand tools already described above, or click on the Ctrl-A keyboard shortcut to select the entire space (without the masked area).

Fig. 10 – area selection

If you need to select part of a picture, but you want the borders of the element to be gradient rather than clear (smoothly blending into the background of the new picture), you need to use a mask gradient. The principle of creating a selection is similar to the previous instructions:

  • Enter the quick mask mode;
  • In the Options tab, select Radial Gradient Mode. On the color palette, make the foreground color black and the background color white;
  • Make sure that the gradient direction option is set to “Foreground to Background”, that is, from the main colors to the background color;
  • Now create a selection. Set the center of the object and carefully move the cursor from the center to the edges.

Fig. 11 – choosing the center of the object

Once you've finished creating the borders, copy the element onto the background of another image. The object will have a translucent appearance and blurred borders. You can adjust these parameters in the layers window of the new drawing.

Fig. 12 – insert with gradient preservation

Method 4 – Magnetic Lasso

Magnetic lasso belongs to a group of more complex program tools. It should be used if you are cutting out complex parts of the picture. For example, the human body, parts of the hands, hair and other elements that require pixel precision.

Fig. 13 – display of the Magnetic Lasso in Photoshop

The peculiarity of this element lies in its operating algorithm. It does not analyze the color of pixels, but looks for the edges of the object. Then a point is created to which the lasso is drawn. In this way, a precise selection of a specific area of ​​the project is gradually created.

Take an image that has a difficult object to isolate. It is advisable that it contrasts well with the background so that it is more convenient for you to draw borders:

Fig. 14 – example of a drawing

Select a tool and zoom in on the image. Move the circle pointer to the edge of the object and click to set the starting point for creating the border.

Now release the mouse button and simply move the cursor along the edge of the element so that its lines do not extend beyond the cursor circle. A selection will gradually be created:

Fig. 15 – example of selecting boundaries using Magnetic Lasso

To quickly zoom in or out of an image, press Ctrl and + or Ctrl and –, respectively. The path will automatically close when the last lasso point connects to the first. Then click on the first point to create a general outline.

If you need to remove part of the background that may be inside an object, press the Alt button and select it using the magnetic lasso - the subtraction mode will turn on without canceling the previous selection.

Fig. 16 - removing part of the background that overlaps the object

You can now move, cut, or paste an element into another project. All extreme lines will look very realistic, without the need to remove flaws in enlarged mode.

Fig. 17 – the result of moving the selected area

Cut, paste and move

Once you've mastered one of the selection methods you like, you can move on to moving, cutting, or pasting an object.

To move the selected element to another part of the picture, simply press the spacebar. The “Hand” icon will appear instead of the cursor. By clicking on the selected area, you can move it to any part of the project.

Fig. 19 – moving and inserting

If you need to cut an object, after selecting it, right-click on it. Select “Cut” or “Delete” from the context menu. You can also use the “Editing” tab. It contains all the necessary functions for working with the selected part of the image.

Saving the final project

After editing the final image, click on the “File-Save As...” tab. In the new window, select the desired file format, enter a name and decide on the final folder where the project will be moved.

Fig. 20 – Saving work in Photoshop

Bottom line

Now you can select objects in a picture in Photoshop and cut or move them. Before choosing a selection method, be guided by the recommendations described in the article. The quality of the result depends on how correctly you have decided on the type of drawing and the appropriate tool for the job.

Thematic videos:

Photoshop cut object and paste into another picture

How to cut an object and paste it onto another background in Photoshop

How to Cut and Paste an Object in Photoshop - 4 Best Methods

If you need to cut an object from a photo and paste it onto another image or background, there are various ways to do this in Photoshop. In this article we will cut out a bouquet of flowers and paste it into a photo with a vase. We’ll also look at how you can cut out a person in Photoshop, and then replace the background for him.

To make it easy to cut out objects, you need to choose the appropriate selection method for them in Photoshop. This can be a simple selection, or using the Lasso, Magic Wand, Color Channels, or overlaying a Mask. Read the detailed article by following the link.

Selecting an object using Color Channels is described in detail in the article: how to cut and paste an image in Photoshop. As an example, I cut out the crown of trees.

So, we have two images: we will cut out the desired object from the first one, and paste it onto the second one. To select objects, use the Quick Selection tool.

How to cut out an object in Photoshop

Open the photo with the bouquet: “File” – “Open” or “Ctrl+O”.

In order to cut an image from the background, you first need to select it. On the Toolbar, select “Quick Selection Tool”.

Now we click on the colors, each time expanding the selection area: it will be highlighted with a dotted line. By selecting a brush with a plus sign in the tool settings, the area will be added, and with a minus sign, the area will be subtracted. This is also where you change the size of the selection brush.

To subtract an area from a selection, you can also hold down the “Alt” button on your keyboard and click on the excess area with the mouse. You can change the size of the brush using the “(” and “)” buttons - one click reduces/increases by 1 px.

As a result, we need to completely select the object that we will cut out.

Go to the “Layers” palette and create a new layer here. To do this, click on the “Create a new layer” icon.

Select the layer with the main image and press the key combination “Ctrl+X”. Thus, we will cut out the object from the background in Photoshop.

How to insert an image in Photoshop

The next thing to do is paste the cut out object onto another image.

Go to the new layer we created, “Layer 1” and press “Ctrl+V”. Next you need to hide the “Background” layer - remove the eye next to it in the layers palette. If you want, you can delete it: select the layer with the mouse and in the layers palette, click on the trash can in the lower right corner.

Open the second image in Photoshop - with a vase on which we will insert the cut out bouquet.

Select “Move Tool” from the Toolbar. Then click on the window with the bouquet. In the layers palette, select the layer on which you inserted the bouquet - “Layer 1” (if you deleted the “Background” layer, then it will be there alone). Next, click on the flowers and, without releasing the mouse button, drag them onto the image with the vase.

Due to the fact that the images have different resolutions, the result is the following.

Let's reduce the size of the bouquet. In the layers palette, select the layer with the bouquet, in the example it is “Layer 3”, your name may be different. Now press the key combination “Ctrl+T”. A frame with markers should appear around the image. If it is not completely visible, select the appropriate scale for the image in the lower left corner. Click on the markers to change the size. To maintain the image's proportions when resizing, press and hold the Shift key. When you select the appropriate size, press "Enter".

Let's place the beautifully cut out object on a new background. We select the appropriate scale and use the “Move Tool” to move the bouquet along the background image.

I will end here. I think now you can cut out the desired object from a photo and paste this object onto another image in Photoshop.

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By "complex" object we mean an object with complex edges that cannot be selected using the Lasso tool. There are a lot of ways to cut out complex objects, you can familiarize yourself with two other methods at this link: How to cut out a complex object in Photoshop using blending options and using color channels.

In this lesson I will show how you can select a complex object in Photoshop using a “Mask”.

Using this method, you can select and cut out, for example, a person from a photograph or another complex object. As an example, I took a photo of a running horse, which we will “cut out” from the background during the lesson.

1) go to Photoshop, open the picture (photo) of the horse by selecting “File” - “Open” in the top menu;

2) in the "Layers" window, with standard Photoshop settings it is located in the lower right corner, you will see that a new layer has appeared with a thumbnail of the open image. This layer should be selected, as in the figure; if it is not selected, click on it once with the left mouse button.

4) after that, take a brush of any convenient shape, set its “opacity” and “pressure” to 100% and outline the horse. In this case, the color of the brush after clicking on “Quick Mask” will be black, thus outlining the object we will obtain its selection with a translucent red layer. If somewhere a brush gets into the margins, you can simply wipe it off with an eraser. Adjust (increase, decrease) the size of the brush to more accurately outline all the details of the object. Things like hair, translucent film, fly wings, etc. you need to outline with a brush with pressure settings of about 50%.

5) so, we have an object selected by the “Quick Mask”, this can be seen from the translucent red background, now right-click on the “Quick Mask” icon, as in step 3. After clicking, we will see that we have selected everything around the object, i.e. everything that we outlined with a brush remained unselected, but everything around it was highlighted - this can be seen in the picture by the dotted lines covering the fields of the photo.

6) Now you need to select the object itself, you need to switch to selection mode, to do this, right-click on the “Selection” icon in the left menu at the top.

7) Now we move the cursor over our object, press the right mouse button and in the menu that appears, select “Invert selected area” and get the selected object we need!

8) Now the object that we traced in the "Quick Mask" mode is selected and we can drag it or cut it to another layer. In order to cut an object to a new layer, you need to move the cursor over the object as in step 7, right-click and select “Cut to a new layer” from the menu.

If you need to drag an object, then select the “Move” tool in the left menu, at the top, and while holding the left mouse button, take our selected object and drag it.

TIP: When selecting an object, you can use different types of brushes. For example, if you are drawing a mane (hair), then you should use a “soft” brush, and to outline the body - a “hard” one. In order to select a translucent object, for example the wings of a fly, you need to adjust the brush pressure (reduce the pressure).

Many owners of old computers are wondering how to cut in Photoshop CS5. After all, a more recent version of the graphics editor requires powerful resources. Such people should not despair. You can cut objects even in the oldest versions of the program. To do this, you need to perform approximately the same steps as are required with the latest version of Photoshop installed.

We will perform all operations in Adobe Photoshop CC. But you can repeat after us in almost any version of the graphics editor. The result should be identical. First we will try to work with the image of three apples on a black background. We will cut out these fruits by moving them to the bottom left corner.

Please note that we specifically selected a picture with a black background. This example makes it easy to understand how the cut function works. If an object is moved, then the empty space must be filled with something. Typically the "hole" is filled with a background color. In our case, we need to select black as the background color. Then the result will be perfect. To select a color, look at the left side of Adobe Photoshop. Under the tool icons there is a pair of multi-colored squares. The first is responsible for the main color, and the second for the background color. Click on the second one and find the black color in the palette that appears.

We are already very close to answering the question of how to cut in Photoshop CS6 or any other version of the graphics editor. Now the program needs to indicate what exactly we want to cut. In our case, these are three apples. But pointing does not mean clicking on a certain part of the picture. With this we simply point to an individual pixel, of which the image consists of many. The object must be selected.

There are different tools you can use to make selections in Photoshop. To select a person or other complex objects, you usually use the Magnetic Lasso tool. We'll get to it a little later, in the next parts of the lesson. Here you can use the Quick Selection tool. The fact is that the apples are on a contrasting background. And they themselves consist of only a few colors. Therefore, a graphic editor can easily independently separate these fruits from the background.

After selecting the Quick Selection tool, the cursor will turn into a circle with a cross in the center. You can now click on the object until all three apples are selected. Difficulties may arise with dark areas. If you accidentally select the background, click on it with the left mouse button while holding down the Alt key. Even when selecting, you may need to reduce the brush size. This is done at the top of the program. It should take you literally 30 seconds to select all three apples.

There is also a “Refine Edge” button at the top of the program. Click it, and in the dialog box that pops up, check the box next to the “Smart Radius” item. The “Radius” slider needs to be moved to the right to a value of 7-10 pixels. The rest of the sliders should not be touched. When you are satisfied with the result, click the “OK” button.

Everything else is very simple. Select the Move tool. The corresponding icon is located at the very top of the left side of the working window. Then hover over the highlighted apples. Hold down the left mouse button and drag them to the lower left corner. Unfortunately, the result will not suit you. No matter how you refine the selection, traces of the outline of the apples may remain.

Now go back to any tool from the selection group. Right click on the apples. In the context menu that appears, select “Cut to new layer.” Then expand the Layers panel. Click here on the eye located near the new layer. As a rule, it is called “Layer 1”. This action will temporarily hide the apples from view. Only the background layer will be displayed.

Now you need to erase the remnants of the contours from the apples. This is done using the Eraser tool. Increase the brush size as much as possible to get the job done as quickly as possible. Then start moving the cursor (now it is a regular circle) while holding down the left mouse button. Gradually, not a single trace of the apples will remain, the background will become completely black.
All that remains is to return to the “Layers” panel and turn on the display of the fruit layer. The result was perfect. Now you should forget about the question of how to cut out this or that object in Photoshop. But to consolidate the material, we will still move from apples on a black background to a more complex photograph. After all, you need to understand that you can cut out an object not only to move it around the existing image. It can also be inserted into a completely different picture.

How to cut an object from the background and paste it in Photoshop?

Let's now try to understand how to cut out an object from the background in Photoshop, but the background will be very complex, and the object needs to be pasted in another image. As an example, let's take a photograph of a young man with grass and a forest behind him.

As in the previous case, the person must first be selected. But this cannot be done using Quick Selection. You will spend too much time, and the result will most likely be disastrous. So this time use the Magnetic Lasso tool.

This tool works very simply. Zoom in to 100 percent. Then click on the outline of the person. The first marker will appear. Next, move the cursor along the contour, and the following markers will appear. The sharper the image, the better the result. If the contrast and clarity of the photo are far from ideal, then automatically the markers may be placed incorrectly. In this case, try to force them by clicking the left mouse button. Just don't accidentally double-click, this will automatically connect the last marker to the first. To move around the enlarged image, press and hold the Spacebar.

Gradually you will reach the first marker, after which a dotted line will run along the contour of the person. But, as you can see, in our case one problem emerged. The area between the left hand and the person’s stomach, in which grass and flowers can be seen, was also highlighted.

This area can be easily removed from the selection. To do this, continue using the Magnetic Lasso tool. Hold down the Alt key and then left-click on the outline of the unwanted area. Then select this outline as usual.

How to cut out an image in Photoshop?

Now you need to understand how to cut out an image in Photoshop - because now the person’s movement will not lead to anything, we need to paste it into a completely different picture, getting a new background. This is done very simply, but let’s first refine the selection using the already familiar “Refine Edge” button. Now you need to do more careful work in the pop-up dialog box. Apples are the simplest item. The human outline is more voluminous. You need to try to get rid of all artifacts, otherwise they will be very noticeable.

Be sure to check the box next to “Smart radius”. The radius needs to be increased. In our case, we needed to increase the radius size to five pixels. For you, this value may be different, since it all depends on the accuracy of the initial selection and the resolution of the photo. 100% smoothing was also required. To destroy artifacts, you can try increasing the feathering. But only up to one or even half a pixel. When you are satisfied with the result, click the “OK” button.

When you do this, you will be returned to the image with the selected person. Now is the time to cut out your subject. To do this, right-click on it. In the context menu, select “Cut to new layer”. Please note that the person received some 3D effect. In some cases, this effect looks very interesting. Now you need to go to the “Layers” panel. Here you will see a new layer containing the shooting effect.

Now you need to cut out the object and paste it in Photoshop, but in a different picture. This is done using the usual drag and drop method. To begin, open a new image using Adobe Photoshop. Return to the photo with the person. In the Layers panel, hover over the person layer. Left-click and hold. Now drag this layer directly onto the picture you just opened.

The result can be achieved in another way. It will be useful for those people whose pictures open as tabs. When the layer is selected, go to “Edit>Cut”. And on the new image you should follow the path “Edit>Insert”. The result will be the same.

Due to a mismatch in photo resolutions, the man appeared very large in the picture. It needs to be reduced. To do this, select any tool from the selection group and right-click on the person. In the context menu, click on the “Free Transform” item.

A frame with several markers will appear around the person's figure. With their help, you can rotate an object and change its size. You can make a person smaller using corner markers. But do not forget to hold down the Shift key, otherwise the proportions of height to width will not be preserved. This mode also allows you to move an object. To do this, place the cursor closer to its center, and then hold down the left mouse button. At the right place, the button should be released. When you are satisfied with the result of all the changes, double-click the left mouse button on the person.

How to cut out a photo in Photoshop?

You have clearly mastered the material on the topic “How to cut out a photo in Photoshop,” but there are a couple more details that not every person will guess. The cut out object is not always suitable for the selected background. We specially selected a bright photo for the background, so sunlight on a person does not make the picture unreal. A photo with the night sky as a background would no longer be suitable. Or it would take a very long time to work on the layer containing the human figure. It would require changing its tone, reducing the brightness and performing other actions that we will not touch on for now.

Also, at the maximum scale, you can detect various artifacts on the human outline. If the edge refinement didn't work very well, bits of grass and other elements will be visible. You can get rid of them using the Eraser tool. You just need to choose the right brush size so as not to accidentally erase the person himself.

In this lesson we were able to cut and paste a small object in Photoshop and the result turned out quite good. Then you can create a full-fledged collage. We recommend that you try inserting other objects. For example, some kind of sign, and put an interesting inscription on it. In a word, it all depends on your imagination.

You should know that you can cut out not only the selected object. If you are actively creating some kind of collage, then all the elements are separate layers. For example, a text inscription is created as a separate layer. It can be cut out exactly as described above. Shapes, lines and other elements are created in the form of separate layers. Even the fill can be organized on a new layer. And all this can be cut, copied, changed... In a word, the possibilities of Photoshop are endless!

How to cut a photo in Photoshop?

Let's return for a moment to the question of how to cut out a photo in Photoshop, because some people are interested in how much time it takes to do all these actions. If you remember all the operations, then everything will depend on the selection speed. If you cut out an apple or an orange, this operation can be completed in just half a minute. With a person, everything is more complicated. Its outline is complex. And if this is a girl with flowing hair... But in any case, highlighting and cutting should take no more than three to five minutes. Beginner users may need to spend a little more time.

Never forget to use the Refine Edge button! Pressing it allows you to improve the selection. Try increasing the feathering. But in some cases it is better to leave it at zero level.

Also, don’t forget to choose the right image for your new background. If you're working on a collage, you can use Adobe Photoshop's built-in features to create a background from scratch. To do this, simply go to “Layers>New Fill Layer>Pattern”. Initially, not the largest number of patterns were introduced into Photoshop. But you can easily download additional sets online. You will definitely need this in the future. Well, as for working with the collage, the layer with the pattern will need to be moved down. This is done, as you might guess, in the “Layers” panel.

How to cut a picture from the background in Photoshop?

Some people are also interested in how to cut out a background in Photoshop - usually this operation is required to replace the background. After all, it is not necessary to transfer the person to a new picture. Sometimes it is enough to cut out the existing background behind it and then substitute a new one. And no one will forbid a person to move around the image, because there will be empty space around him.

Let's go back to our young man in front of the forest. Go back to the moment when the man is singled out. Refine the edges so that unnecessary artifacts do not appear later. Now all that remains is to cut out the background. To do this, go to “Select>Invert”. You will immediately notice that now absolutely everything has been selected, with the exception of the subject. Further actions are clear - you just need to follow the path “Edit>Cut”. Or press the key combination Ctrl+X. We advise you to remember this combination, it is responsible for performing the operation you need.

The background will immediately change to the background color you selected. To move a person, we use the tool we have already mentioned, which is called “Movement”. But first, go to the “Layers” panel and double-click on the word “Background”. Rename this layer, otherwise you will be prohibited from moving it. Note that it is better to perform this operation immediately after inverting the selection. But then you won’t see any black color; the distant background will simply become transparent.

This concludes our lesson and now you know how to cut out a picture in Photoshop. This operation is implemented in the graphic editor very simply. As mentioned above, you can cut out any selected object or even an entire layer. Moreover, you can even cut out a group of layers or an entire folder. But this feature is required only by experienced Adobe Photoshop users, whose creations consist of a huge number of layers.

Very often when working with Photoshop you need to cut out an object from the original image. This can be either a piece of furniture or part of the landscape, or living objects - a person or an animal. In this lesson we will get acquainted with the tools used in cutting, and also practice a little.

We will divide this material into two parts. In the first, we will get acquainted with the tools that you can use to select and then cut out, and in the second, we will practice using the most effective of them.

Selection tools

There are several tools suitable for cutting out an image in Photoshop along its contour.

Quick selection

This tool is great for selecting objects with clear boundaries, that is, the tone at the borders does not mix with the background tone.

Magic wand

The magic wand is used to select pixels of the same color. If you wish, if you have a plain background, for example white, you can remove it using this tool.


Straight-line lasso

The straight-line lasso is suitable if you need to select and cut out an object that has straight lines (edges).

Magnetic lasso

Another “smart” Photoshop tool. Reminds me in its action "Quick Selection". The difference is that "Magnetic lasso" creates a single line that “sticks” to the outline of the object. The conditions for successful use are the same as for "Quick selection".


The most flexible and easy-to-use tool. Can be used on any objects. It is recommended to use it when cutting out complex objects.


The first five tools can be used intuitively and at random (it will work or not), and the Pen requires certain knowledge from the Photoshopper. That's why we decided to show you how to use this tool. This is the right decision, since you need to learn correctly right away, so as not to have to relearn later.

So, open the model’s photo in the program. Now we will separate the girl from the background.

  1. Create a copy of the layer with the original image and get to work.

  2. Take the tool "Feather" and place a reference point on the image. It will be both starting and ending. This is where we will close the outline once the selection is complete.

    Note: Unfortunately, the cursor will not be visible in the screenshots, so we will try to describe everything in as much detail as possible in words.

  3. As you can see, we have fillets in both directions. Now let's learn how to get around them "Per". Let's go right. In order for the rounding to be as smooth as possible, you should not put many points. We place the next reference point at some distance. Here you must determine for yourself where the radius approximately ends.

    For example, here:

  4. Now the resulting segment must be bent in the desired direction. To do this, put another point in the middle of the segment.

  5. Next, press the key CTRL, grab this point and pull it in the right direction.

  6. This is the main technique for highlighting complex areas of an image. In the same way we go around the entire object (the girl). If, as in our case, the object is cropped (from below), the outline can be moved outside the canvas.

  7. Once the selection is complete, right-click inside the resulting outline and select the context menu item "Create selected area".

    Set the feathering radius to 0 pixels and click "OK".
